✊Who's Building Umoja?
Umoja is built by a doxxed team of Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, ConsenSys, Coinbase, & Google Alumni with decades of TradFi, Crypto, and marketing experience.
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Umoja is built by a doxxed team of Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, ConsenSys, Coinbase, & Google Alumni with decades of TradFi, Crypto, and marketing experience.
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The Umoja Protocol's core developer is Umoja Labs, a team comprised of alumni from Team comprised of alumni from Goldman Sachs, ConsenSys, Coinbase, Google, Mastercard, RBS, Credit Suisse, Santander Bank, Valora, and Celo with 10+ years in TradFi, blockchain, engineering, and digital marketing (each).
Initially spun out of ConsenSys as 'ConsenSys Social Impact,' Umoja Labs has developed and deployed dozens of dApps across 17+ countries with a specific focus on financial applications. Umoja Labs' Founder, Robby Greenfield, has personally been in crypto since 2011, is a 2x entrepreneur, ex-Goldman Sachs, Amazon, Cisco Systems, and was the former Head of Social Impact at ConsenSys. Needless to say, Umoja's core developer team knows crypto and knows finance.
The Umoja ecosystem is supported by the Umoja Foundation, a Cayman entity with no American nexus/relationship with Umoja Labs Corp. Increasingly, Umoja Labs will become one of many core developers within the broader ecosystem of the protocol.